
We aim to bring the optimisation and parameter space exploration methods at the heart of the OpenMOLE ecosystem to the platform. We believe our joint expertise in modelling and simulation, optimisation methods and distributed computing places us in a unique position to build the first scientific DApp on the DApp store.

This project is one of the 3 grand winners of the DApp challenge.

Our submission will bring multiple valuable assets to the network.

  • A scientific DApp introducing the network to scientists not yet familiar with web3 technologies.
  • An entry point for other applications lacking the expertise to bring their software to the network. They can rely on OpenMOLE to delegate their workload to the network.
  • An extensive roadmap that can lead to a generic support of Map/Reduce applications, and refining the task and data management specifications.

Our collaboration with iExec has been featured on iExec’s blog series “DApp of the week”.

You can follow the on-going development of our Scala SDK on GitHub. The SDK will form the base layer of communication between OpenMOLE and iExec.